This is Grey's first solid food (if you can call oatmeal "solid"). He is 6 months old here. We are probably a little behind with the solids because of his sensitive stomach. You will notice that he is actually wearing clothes while eating... yeah, that doesn't happen anymore. Feeding-time is also naked-time for him. Since this video of the oatmeal, we have also introduced squash and we will try pears or sweet potatoes this weekend. I can report that he likes the squash much more than the oatmeal.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
OK, OK, Here is your dang update...
We'll start with our latest trip up to Alex's House. When we found out that Michael, Brandi, and Berlin were going to be making a trip to Los Gatos, the three of us hopped on up there to see them. We had a great time and Grey really enjoyed meeting his cousin Berlin. Also, the Wickman's came down from San Francisco to meet Grey this weekend, but somehow we don't have any pictures of them. Booooo.
These are pictures of Grey and Berlin playing together on the play-mat. You'll notice that Berlin has scratched her face (the result of a bad fall)... pretty good proof that Michael is a negligent parent.
Grey and Berlin sitting out on the deck together.
We put Grey in his jumper out on the deck and Dwight thought it was a new toy.

We had a Halloween / Abbey's Birthday party at our house. Patty was warrior woman, Grey was a pumpkin, and I was a pimp... I didn't really have to dress up I guess.
Katie was a hot-air ballon tourist (apparently a "double fisting" hot-air ballon tourist). It was really cute and creative.

Who's the chicken now B#@*h ?!?!?!? MacKenzie is normally a very funny person, but on this night, in her chicken costume... geeze... I really wished I had filmed some the stuff she was doing. I peed my pimp pants several times. You can see Doug, the Gangster in the background.

Abbey also got very creative. She was a cat that swallowed a fish, with her very pregnant belly being the new home for the doomed fish.

I forget what Omar was... he was either an 80's rapper or a russian mobster... its the same costume either way.

Now, I can't be totally sure, but I think Grey is giving the camera a little "Yeah, what up girl?" look in this picture.

This is my new favorite picture. He is wearing his polo onsie, some boardshorts, and one of the many cute hats that his Tia Abbey got for him.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Three months old and finally sleeping better.
Among other things, Greyson turned 3 months. He has also started rolling over (back to front) and he can do small little belly-push-ups from his front. He is starting to discover what those things at the end of his arms are for... grabbing things and shoving them in his mouth. And Alex, some of your genes slipped in somehow because he is a big-time drooler. Every piece of clothing is soaked after an hour or two. Greyson has also been on 4 airplanes now. Luckily each of them was not full and we were able to leave him in the car seat and he slept the entire time. I'm still dreading the first time the flight is completely full and I have to hold him in my arms... crying and screaming is a definite possibility. And my favorite part of his development... Grey is finally sleeping longer than 2 hours at a time at night. We can usually get a 4 hour section of sleep, followed by a 3 hour section, followed by a 2 hour. Hooray!!
Today is a very big day for our friends having kids... Brandi and Michael's little girl Berlin just turned one... Andi and Charles are finding out the sex... and Matt and Steph are inducing this morning... stay tuned for the exciting conclusions.
Since he has started exploring the world around him a little more, I put together a bunch of new toys for Grey. He now has the following equipment in his arsenal of "awake-time-distraction-toys": Infant sit-up seat (bumbo), infant sit-up seat with toy trey attachment, 'discover and play' activity center, mobiles, play mats, bouncer, swing, jumper, walker. If you come over to our house, it looks like we are running an infant day care.
Two pictures in the walker...

This is a very nice smiling picture in the sit-up thingy with toy trey...

This is the bumbo (Patty tells me that "anyone with kids knows what a bumbo is, so you don't have to explain it")

One of Grey's favorite people in the whole world... Tia Lissette.

Patty dressed Grey up in these really cute overalls, so we took some pictures

Today is a very big day for our friends having kids... Brandi and Michael's little girl Berlin just turned one... Andi and Charles are finding out the sex... and Matt and Steph are inducing this morning... stay tuned for the exciting conclusions.
Since he has started exploring the world around him a little more, I put together a bunch of new toys for Grey. He now has the following equipment in his arsenal of "awake-time-distraction-toys": Infant sit-up seat (bumbo), infant sit-up seat with toy trey attachment, 'discover and play' activity center, mobiles, play mats, bouncer, swing, jumper, walker. If you come over to our house, it looks like we are running an infant day care.
Two pictures in the walker...

This is a very nice smiling picture in the sit-up thingy with toy trey...

This is the bumbo (Patty tells me that "anyone with kids knows what a bumbo is, so you don't have to explain it")
This is me and Grey playing on the floor.
We've seen bathtime pictures before, but this one shows his new favorite meal... hand-sandwich.

Tia MacKenzie bought him a very cute UC Davis onsie. Here are couple pictures. Notice the extra-fat cheeks
Flying through the air.

One of Grey's favorite people in the whole world... Tia Lissette.

Patty dressed Grey up in these really cute overalls, so we took some pictures
Grey made his first airplane trip up to Alex's house

And here are some pictures of Grey on his 3 month birthday.

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